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In case of contributors discussing a case in which they acted, act or plan or know they will act as counsel or in which they are involved in any whatsoever, the post must reflect the case in a neutral manner. Also, the post shall include an endnote stating that the contributor(s) has (have) been, is (are) or plan to be involved in the case. The contributors must inform the editors if the proposed blog post discusses legal issues in connection with a matter on which they are involved, including in which they had advised, currently advise, or plan to advise, at the date of the post. The LAWgically Speaking Nigeria Team has the right to refuse publication of such a post or in case the information is not revealed before publication, to remove the post.
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LAWgically Speaking Nigeria Blog reserves the right to add (additional) links to sources relevant to the matters referred to in a post, should these not already be implemented.