Africa’s foremost real estate giants, Sim Properties and Homes Limited, owners of Masters Golden Estate, Ofada, Ogun State secured a landmark legal victory after the Court dismissed a matter filed against the real estate giants.

The matter was filed by Mr Olumide Adeyinka and Barr Esther Adeyinka against SPH Facilities Management and Service Company Ltd and 2 Ors with suit number MOO/47M/2021. However, the Court held that the matter lacked merit. Therefore the Court proceeded to dismiss the matter on grounds of incompetence, lack of merit and abrupt waste of the Court’s time as prayed by Sim Properties’ Lawyer.

Case Synopsis

The Applicants filed the matter in 2021 claiming that their rights as tenants of the Masters Golden Estate were severally breached by the security outfit employed in the Estate. The matter was filed under Section 55 of the Magistrate Court Law of Ogun State. The Applicants prayed the Court for an order directing the Respondents to show cause why they should not be ordered to enter recognizance to keep the peace, be of good behavior and abstain from harassing or intimidating the lives of the Applicants and their family members.

The real estate giants’ defense team led by Bassey Etim Edet Jr. Esq. filed a preliminary objection contending that the facts before the Court were misleading, the matter lacked credit, evidence and more so was brought under the wrong provisions of the law. The defense team exposed the fact that the averment in the affidavit were radically opposed to the contemplation of Section 55 of the Magistrate Court Law of Ogun State. The said Section is clearly directed at Criminal infractions whereas the facts affidavit contemplated the enforcement of a sublease agreement.

In delivering its ruling, the Court on the 11th of April 2022, dismissed the Applicant’s claims and further cautioned the Applicants to be more diligent when prosecution future matters.


The Managing Director of the Estate; Mrs Rebecca Ahonsi, while expressing her joy, resolve and belief in the Court system stated that at all times the Estate backed with the Court’s decision would not relent in its efforts in providing excellent services to is numerous subscribers.

Africa’s foremost real estate giants, Sim Properties and Homes Limited, owners of Masters Golden Estate, Ofada, Ogun State secured a landmark legal victory after the Court dismissed a matter filed against the real estate giants. The matter was filed by Mr Olumide Adeyinka and Barr Esther Adeyinka against SPH Facilities Management and Service Company Ltd and 2 Ors with suit



TAKE NOTICE: That the property located at Ashaya Baala Village, off Papalanto/Sagamu Road, Ofada in Obafemi/Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State together with all its appurtenances, with an area of 576, 734 acres and covered by Survey plan No:  OG/1588/2007/017 with a Global Certificate of Occupancy dated the 21st February 2009 at the Land Registry Abeokuta, Ogun State is legally vested in the legal owners being Sim Properties and Homes Limited (“The Company”).

It has come to our attention that some persons are dealing with the property without any permission, as they encroach/trespass into the property without permission whatsoever.

Thus, any person(s) or group of persons interfering, or trespassing with/into the said property without the consent of Sim Properties and Homes Limited does so at their own peril and risk criminal and civil actions.

Furthermore, anyone involved in any agreements, contracts, arrangements, et al to dispose, grant, or alienate any interest in the property entered into with persons(s) without the Company’s authority or even trespass into the said property, such actions are illegal, unlawful and fraudulent before the law.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any transactions, inquiries should be directed to the management of Sim Properties & Homes Limited at No.5 Adonai Shopping Plaza, Opic Plaza, Lagos/Ibadan Express Way, Ogun State.

Dated this 4th Day of May 2022.




For Enquiries; 08033505455, 08053243707

CAVEAT EMPTOR (“BUYER BEWARE”)/TRESPASSERS MASTERS GOLDEN CITY, ESTATE, OFADA TAKE NOTICE: That the property located at Ashaya Baala Village, off Papalanto/Sagamu Road, Ofada in Obafemi/Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State together with all its appurtenances, with an area of 576, 734 acres and covered by Survey plan No:  OG/1588/2007/017 with a Global Certificate of Occupancy dated the 21st February 2009